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Make a Better

future for yourself

Powys is a place for opportunity, hosting some of the most diverse and advanced businesses with a healthy job market across the Public, Private, and Third Sectors. The county itself has a strong economy and with our excellent employment opportunities and an enviable way of life, living in Powys is a unique experience like no other..


We build hydrogen fuel cell cars, advanced motor systems, research and development, medical industries, software development, and advanced engineering. There are lifestyle businesses and traditional industries and always demand for local services.


Land the

perfect job

The county has the lowest unemployment rate  in Wales and there is always demand for skilled labour and professional/ managerial services.


Approximately 65,000 people work in Powys across a wide range of employment sectors including:

Powys Employment Figures

Skilled & ready

Areas of high demand include technology skills, the construction sector, and engineering. Training and apprenticeship schemes are available through local employers and Careers Wales Skills Gateway. 


There are various support initiatives to help those recently made redundant
towards the cost of retraining along with support for potential employers,
as well as providing a complete package of support. Additionally the
Workways + Powys programme supports economically inactive over the age
of 54 returning to work.

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